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Barbell Complex – 2 day

  • Difficulty
  • Duration
    20 mins.
  • Nutrition
    See guidelines below.
  • Equipment

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Easily one of the most underrated and under utilized training methods. These can be done with just a barbell. This is a type of circuit training and each of the exercises below are meant to be done consecutively.
The workout can be modified to achieve different goals. If you are trying to build your strength then 3 reps for each exercise, if you are trying to build your muscle mass then 5 reps for each exercise and 8 reps for each exercise if you are trying to lose fat. Workout can be performed with just a Barbell and some weights.


Try to aim for 5-6 rounds of this workout on a given day. There are two different complexes above and you should try these on different days. For example you could try day one on a Tuesday and day two on Thursday.


You may start with just the bar. However, every week try to increase the weight very slightly. 1-2 kg increase can be significant. If you are unable to increase the weight, progress by reducing rest time gradually, each week. 


Eating healthy does not have to be difficult. Check out our recipes section for inspiration to eat healthy. Click here to learn the basics of eating healthy.

If you want to be a bit more serious with your nutrition, calculate your calorie level based on your goals using this calculator. Then read this quick article on Advanced nutrition and tracking to learn how to stay on track.

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