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Dumbbell Complex – 2 Day

  • Difficulty
  • Duration
    30 mins
  • Nutrition
    See guidelines below
  • Equipment
    Just Dumbbells

Dumbell Complexes, just like the Barbell and Kettlebell versions they can be performed with just a pair of Dumbbells. The versatility and convenience of dumbbells combined with one of the most effective methods of training lead to Dumbbell Complexes. 

The only rule in this workout, is when you pick up the the Dumbbells to start one round, you cannot put them down until you have completed all the exercises. 


Just like Barbell and Kettlebell complexes they can cater to any goal for by adjusting the weight and rep range. They can be used to build strength and muscle or blast body fat.

*Click on chapters on video to watch how individual exercises are performed
  1. Select the rep range based on your goals; 3 for strength, 5 for strength + muscle and 8 for fat loss and conditioning
  2. The number of rounds depends on if you are doing Complexes in addition to another workout in which case do 3 rounds. If complexes are your stand-alone workout, then go for 5-6 rounds.
  3. Each week try to increase the weight slightly; Even 1.5 kg is a significant increase. If you are forced to go for larger jumps in weight due to unavailability of Dumbbells, you may have to reduce the number of reps slightly. However, what’s important is that you progress each week, even if it just means adding reps or rounds.
  4. You can alternate the two Complexes shown below. For example you may perform Complex 1 on Monday and Complex 2 on Thursday.
Other Workouts

If you own a pair of Kettlebells, you should also check out our 3 movement complex which combines just three exercises to form an incredible fat loss workout.


Eating healthy does not have to be difficult. Check out our recipes section for inspiration to eating healthy. Click here to learn the basics of eating healthy.

If you want to be a bit more serious with your nutrition, calculate your calorie level based on your goals using this calculator. Then read this quick article on Advanced nutrition and tracking to learn how to stay on track.

*To save all your favorite workouts in one place and for unrestricted access

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