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10,000 KB Swing Challenge

  • Difficulty
    It's called a challenge for a reason!
  • Duration
    45 mins
  • Nutrition
    See guidelines below
  • Equipment
    Kettlebell, Barbell with weights & Ideally a squat Rack

Developed by the legendary strength coach Dan John, this program is one of the hardest workouts you will ever try, but you are guaranteed results by the end of the program.

Goals: Body composition improvement (lose fat and gain muscle), Improvement of full body strength & grip strength.


  1. Over 4 weeks you will perform 10,000 swings.
  2. 500 swings per workout and you are required to workout 5 days per week. A low rep strength workout is coupled with the KB Swings on 4 out of the 5 days.
  3. It is recommended that guys use a Kettlebell that weighs at least 24 kg and that girls use a Kettlebell that ways at least 16 kg.
  4. Ensure that you perfect your KB Swing form before you attempt this workout.

*Click on individual exercises below to watch how they are performed.

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