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Bear Crawl and Walk

  • Difficulty
    For anyone
  • Duration
    15-20 mins
  • Nutrition
  • Equipment
    Just yourself and a stopwatch

This simple yet brutally effective workout focuses on Bear crawls and you could potentially use any animal crawl version you like. However, we feel Bear crawls are the most versatile in this situation. As always you can do this as a finisher to a strength workout, or a stand-alone workout (Do more rounds if used as a stand-alone workout). You will need some floor space, 5-10 m of uncluttered, ideally carpeted or rubberized floor or you can do it outdoors on grass.

Progression; Use one of the methods shown below to progress your workout.

*Click on individual exercises below to watch how they are performed. 

*To save all your favorite workouts in one place

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