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Ladder Burpees

  • Difficulty
    For anyone
  • Duration
    15-20 mins
  • Nutrition
  • Equipment
    Just yourself and a stopwatch

A quick finisher to your workout or a stand-alone fat burning workout you can do anywhere. You can do these in between classes during Uni days, during lockdown or after a strength or cardio workout for an additional fat burning stimulus. The movement/exercise in question is the Burpee.

Pick whichever variation you like from the 3 variations shown below and get started immediately.

We recommend picking variation 1 if you are new to Burpees and have a relatively low fitness level. Pick variation 3 if you are a little more comfortable with Burpees.

Progression: Whichever variation you choose, make sure to progress your workout using one of the methods given below.

*Click on the individual exercises below to watch how they are performed.

*To save all your favorite workouts in one place

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