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Learn to eat healthy

Whether you are looking to learn the basics of eating healthier or want to push your fitness goals to the next level with a stricter diet, we got you covered.

  1. To get started, first read our quick start guide. This short article tells you everything you need to know about Carbohydrates, Proteins and fats.
  2. Then read our Portion control guide, which shows a practical method to measure the Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats in a healthy meal using your hands.
  3. Once you have read these two articles, browse through our meal ideas for Breakfasts, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks & Desserts to understand what kind of meals you should be eating. Our meal ideas also have recipes attached to them, so if you want, you can make them yourself. If you enjoy making your own food, our meal ideas will help you plan your entire week of eating.
  4. After you understand how to eat better, it is always a good idea to keep an eye on your progress. Read our Basic tracking guide to see why you should not solely depend on a weighing scale, but also look at other indicators when tracking your progress. Make sure you also look at our workouts and try to fit it into your lifestyle.
  5. These basic nutrition guidelines paired with the correct workouts are sufficient to ensure that you don’t put on unnecessary body fat. Picking the correct workouts and adding the right level of activity to your lifestyle will even help you to gradually reduce body fat while toning your muscles. Read our guide on how to pick your workouts.

If you have been following our basic nutrition guidelines and our workouts quite comfortably, keep reading.

If you now feel like you want to push your boundaries (For example, drop 10kg of body fat or gain 5kg of muscle) and not just stay healthy and fit, and you are ready put in a bit more time and effort into your nutrition, read our advanced nutrition and tracking guidelines

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