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Bodyweight Intermediate – 4 Day

  • Difficulty
  • Duration
    25 mins
  • Nutrition
    See guidelines below
  • Equipment
    Just yourself and a stopwatch
Bodyweight intermediate workout is ideal if you want a full body workout but have no access to any equipment. Stuck at home due to lockdown? Uncomfortable going to the gym after COVID-19? Simply want to train at home? Travelling and need to train in your hotel room? We got you covered from head to toe!

*Click on chapters on video to watch how individual exercises are performed


Benefits: Strength gain and body weight control, time efficient & can be performed anywhere.

Duration: It is recommended that you try the workout below for a period of 4 weeks. Follow the progression shown on the workout.

Notes: Train hard 4 times per week over the 4 week period and you will be stronger, be able to move better and even put on some muscle by the end of it.

Check out some of our other Bodyweight Workouts


Eating healthy does not have to be difficult. Check out our recipes section for inspiration to eating healthy. Click here to learn the basics of eating healthy.

If you want to be a bit more serious with your nutrition, calculate your calorie level based on your goals using this calculator. Then read this quick article on Advanced nutrition and tracking to learn how to stay on track.

*To save all your favorite workouts in one place and for unrestricted access

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