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Bodyweight Beginner – 3 Day

  • Difficulty
    Anyone who is injury free
  • Duration
    20 mins
  • Nutrition
    See guidelines below
  • Equipment
    Just yourself and a stopwatch

Stuck at home due to lockdown? Uncomfortable going to the gym after COVID-19? Simply want to train at home? Travelling and need to train in your hotel room? We got you covered from head to toe!

Benefits: Strength gain and body weight control, time efficient & can be performed anywhere.

Nutrition: Read our simplified nutrition guide to ensure that you get the best results out of this workout.

Duration: It is recommended that you try the workout below for a period of 4 weeks. Follow the progression shown on the workout.

Notes: Train hard 3 times per week over the 4 week period and you will be stronger, be able to move better and even put on some muscle by the end of it.

Other Workouts
If you own a pair of Kettlebells, you should also check out our 3 movement complex which combines just three exercises to form an incredible fat loss workout.

*Click on individual exercises to watch how they are performed.

*To save all your favorite workouts in one place

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