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Single Kettlebell Complex – 1

  • Difficulty
    Anyone can try this workout
  • Duration
    25-30 mins
  • Nutrition
    Try to stay on Calorific deficit for optimal results
  • Equipment
    Just a Kettlebell and a Stopwatch

Single Kettlebell Complex is ideal if you only have one Kettlebell at home and want a quick but efficient workout. It has just 4 exercises with a one minute on one minute off style approach.
This Single Kettlebell Complex can even be used as a finisher at a gym.

*Click on individual exercises to watch how they are performed.


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This workout was inspired by T-Nation author Andrew Coates

  1. As a finisher at the end of a workout, perform just one round of the workout.
  2. As a stand alone fat loss workout, do 2-4 rounds while eating at a calorific deficit.
  3. The Kettlebell should ideally be of a weight that you can perform an Overhead Press without too much difficulty.
  4. Follow progression guidelines outlined on the workout.

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