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Single Kettlebell Complex – 2

  • Difficulty
  • Duration
    25 mins
  • Nutrition
    See guidelines below
  • Equipment
    A Kettlebell and a stopwatch

This Single Kettlebell workout was inspired by Brett Bartholomew and is a progression from our Single Complex 1 workout. This workout has 5 movements that can be performed for time reps or rounds. There is NO rest in between exercises. There is only one rule in this workout. When you start a round, you cannot put the Kettlebell down until you have finished all the exercises.

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Follow this workout for at least 4 weeks and use one of the progression options given on the workout.

As always, these workouts are very versatile and can be used as a finisher or as a stand-alone fat loss workout. If used as a finisher perform 1-2 rounds. If performed as a stand-alone workout perform 3-4 rounds. When progressing your workouts using reps or time ensure that you keep the number of rounds constant.


To achieve best possible results, use this calculator to find the ideal calorie deficit for you and stay on track using our recipes.

*To save all your favorite workouts in one place and for unrestricted access

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