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Strength & Power – 3 Day Split

  • Difficulty
    Intermediate to Advance
  • Duration
    45 mins
  • Nutrition
    See guidelines below.
  • Equipment
    Commercial Gym

Ideal for endurance athletes such as Ironman participants to improve their strength and conditioning during their off season. 



  1. Train 3x per week-Mon, Wed, Fri or Tue, Thurs, Sat
  2. The warm-ups are important DO NOT SKIP. They will also increase your flexibility and mobility and reduce, aches and pains you have. Warm up 1 should be done prior to day 1 strength workout. Perform all exercises consecutively and perform 8-10 reps of each exercise.
  3. DO all exercises in good form/watch videos and practice with light weight. If you are having any issues with exercises- lack of equipment, pain or previous injury contact us and we will give you regressions (easier exercises or alternatives).
  4. When performing the prescribed number of sets and reps (working sets), use the same weight for all your working sets, try not to change the weight between your working sets, this makes it easier to progress.
  5. You may do a few warm-up reps/sets on each exercise with a lighter weight if required, but those should not be counted towards your working sets.
  6. Exercises numbered 2a), 2b) or 3a), 3b) & 3c) to be performed as supersets. For example, in day 1 perform one set of Front Squat and immediately after (no rest) perform Weighted Chin-Up after which you may rest 120 sec.


  1. Week 1 is a “Break in week”, do all sessions with light to moderate weight
  2. Week 2 you can start pushing yourself but still train well within yourself.
  3. Week 3 Use as much weight as possible for the prescribed reps.
  4. Week 4-6 add a small amount of weight to each exercise (just 1-2lb/1/2-1kg for upper body and 2.5lb-5lbs/1.25/2.5kg to lower body exercises and complete all sets and reps.
  5. Continue in this fashion for 6 weeks.

Eat enough healthy Carbs, Proteins and Fats to maintain your ideal weight. Healthy options can be viewed by clicking the “Eat More” popup below. 

Ideally meals should be Carb heavy with approximate proportions as follows,  60% Carbs 30% Protein and 10% Fat.

If you want to be a bit more serious with your nutrition, calculate your calorie level based on your goal (in this case goal should be maintenance) using this calculator. After the calculator publishes the result, check the macro split of the high Carb option and follow it.

High Carbs meals are recommended to ensure endurance athletes have enough energy to perform their event specific training. 

Then read this quick article on Advanced nutrition and tracking to learn how to stay on track.

*To save all your favorite workouts in one place and for unrestricted access

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