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Combining workouts to form a complete program

If you have a passion to get bigger, stronger, faster, more conditioned (toned) or simply be more active, then you have come to the right place. Just like a cartel, once you are in, you’ll never get out, or more likely you wouldn’t want to when you see the amount of free high-quality material, we have for you.

And yes, we get it, nobody wants to spend a ton of money or want to live your life in a gym because you are a real person with a demanding job and lifestyle.

We have handcrafted high quality workouts that are accompanied by videos, weekly progression, exercise substitutions, so anyone can try them. We have everything you need to get started, from dynamic Warm-Ups, mobility workouts, bodyweight workouts, strength and muscle gain workouts, to cardio and conditioning (toning) workouts (ab workouts, HIIT etc). Head over to our workouts section select the “free” filter and try our workouts now.

We also have guidance on how to eat healthy, to make sure you are achieving the goals set out by the workouts you select. Check out our nutrition section.

Getting started

Always follow a complete exercise program. Don’t just lift weights to get bigger and stronger, get yourself more flexible and better conditioned (toned). Don’t just run, do some form of strength workout and follow nutrition guidelines to keep you on track.

You are free to try whatever you want but, here are some tips to make the most of beyourmotivation.com

Step 1: Figure out if you are going to train at home or going to train at a gym. If it’s the former, know what equipment you have access to.

Step 2:

  1. If training at home, browse through our extensive collection of bodyweight, resistance band, dumbbell, kettlebell workouts that can be done at home (you can use the search bar or filters to find your workouts).
  2. If training at a gym you can try all of our workouts.

Step 3: Pick a warmup and/or mobility routine to perform before any workout. This step is very important.

Step 4: Pick a cardio option. Love it or hate it, everyone should do cardio. You can pick from our easy low intensity steady state cardio to our more advanced HIIT workouts and give your heart some love and boost your fat loss.

Step 5: Learn to eat healthy using our nutrition guidelines. Most people are notorious for training hard but not giving nutrition the attention, it deserves. Don’t be one of them!

Now you are all set to transform your lifestyle.

Be assured that we have got your back all the way. We will not let you down. Drop us a message on our chat if you have any questions.

Unrestricted Access

Most of our content is free, but if you want unrestricted access, you want to save all your workouts, recipes of healthy meals in one place and if you want a bit more support to get going, checkout our basic subscription. We try to offer extended support for the price of a fast-food meal (which by the way is not great for you). Click here to checkout our article about it.

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