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Let’s get one thing out of the way, getting your training done and doing so consistently is the most important thing. Lack of training consistency is the major issue with most people. Having said that, is it better to train in the morning (AM) or evening (PM)? Let’s dive in. These apply regardless of if you train at home or at a commercial gym.

A.M./ Morning workouts


  1. If you’ve slept well, you will generally feel fresher for morning workouts (have more energy).
  2. You will feel a great sense of accomplishment after a morning session especially if you go to work afterwards. You got a head start on most people which is a nice feeling.
  3. Mornings are ideal for any training focused on fat loss whether it is doing weight training, circuits or cardio. The increase in metabolic rate will last most of the day. This can add up to a lot of calories in the long run.
  4. Morning workouts also free up the evenings for more family or study time.


  1. If you don’t go to bed early enough or don’t sleep well this might reduce performance.
  2. If you are doing heavy lifting for the lower body, mornings are not ideal. However, if you are experienced and have enough time to warm-up, this can be mitigated.
  3. You can eat only one meal or just a liquid meal/ shake beforehand which may mean you are not well fed/fueled for the workout. This only applies if your goal is to gain muscle or strength.


P.M./ Evening workouts


  1. Research generally shows you can generate more strength/force late afternoon or early evening so for bodybuilding and many strength workouts, evenings are preferred.
  2. Helps you to de-stress after a long day.
  3. You can have several meals/snacks prior to training and be well fed for the workout. Once again good for muscle gain.


  1. May leave you little time for family, leisure or personal development. We at BYM do not want you to have an unbalanced life.
  2. Hard workouts late in the day especially if you take stimulants (such as caffeine) beforehand can affect your sleep.

As you can see in the end it comes down to personal preference and time availability. Some people have lots of success combining morning workouts and evening workouts.

Bottom line – plan and prepare, locking into consistent training regardless of whether you train AM/PM is the biggest factor determining success.

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