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  • Difficulty
    Everyone should try this!
  • Duration
    30-45 mins
  • Nutrition
    See guidelines below
  • Equipment
    Just a Back Pack and some heavy books

We have made it our mission to promote highly effective yet relatively unknown, unconventional methods that build muscle and burn body fat. Just like we promote Loaded Carries, Complexes and Power work; Rucking is definitely something we love and champion heavily. But what the hell is rucking? You may ask. Strap on a heavy Backpack and walk! You will be amazed by the benefits.

Who it’s for: Anyone! Everyone will benefit, but specially for,

  1. Hard training lifters who need a low impact but effective (high calorie burn) activity to control or lose body fat.
  2. Those who hate traditional cardio (Us at BYM!)
  3. Those who walk regularly but need to progress and make it more effective

Equipment: Just an old (but sturdy) backpack! A heavier one if you want to use more weight if you are lazy!

Benefits: Screw jogging! It will wreck your knees in the long run (We never recommend jogging). Rucking with a proper load done briskly, will burn as many calories as jogging without the risk of injury. 400-600 calories are possible in 45-60 mins.

  1. It’s fun to do and can be a social activity
  2. A Backpack and heavy old textbooks (or bricks) is all you need (No need to buy a $1000 treadmill for your home).
  3. Revel in doing unconventional stuff
  4. It is versatile and can be done on lifting or non-lifting days
  5. Ideal for older people who cannot do high impact Cardio


There are no hard and fast rules, only sensible guidelines to progress safely and build up load and distance like any activity. Start with 10% of your body weight and progress weight and distance weekly.

Main methods to progress:

  1. Increase weight
  2. Increase distance
  3. The “heavy hands” method – This deserves an explanation. Where you put the weights/load makes a difference, if you hold a mere 1 kg weight in each hand then your walk becomes inefficient. This is exactly what we want! Inefficiency = greater calorie burn. Adding ankle weights makes it even more challenging and make you look like a drunken sailor or the Abominable snowman if you are a muscle beast!
  4. Walking more challenging terrain – hills, uneven ground. Please take all safety precautions. Walking upstairs is also a great idea if your knees are healthy, but please use caution.
  5. Use the chart below as a guide only, to progress safely.
  6. If you are a hardcore lifter or enthusiast, you can pair Rucking with other activities such as KB Swings and Sprints.

There you have it! We hope you give Rucking a trial and don’t forget you learned it at BYM!

You are welcome!

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