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Time Under Tension Training

  • Difficulty
    Intermediate to Advance
  • Duration
    1 hr 15 mins
  • Nutrition
    See guidelines below.
  • Equipment
    Access to commercial gym and Stopwatch required

PAIN! That’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of TUT training. This is another method which disregards traditional reps and sets, and focuses on doing a set for a specified time period. You do as many quality reps as you can, once you hit failure you continue to do partial reps, and once you cannot do anymore, you just hold the “loaded” position of the exercise (isometric contraction) until your allotted time is up. This method leans more towards muscle gain (hypertrophy) than strength and you will need machines for most of the exercises (it’s dangerous to take squats and deadlifts to failure) but will lead to some good muscle gains over 4-8 weeks. Since the pump & burn (lactic acid buildup) in the muscles is high, this may also lead to some fat loss as well if you have the capacity to train hard & take the pain!

Frequency: 3-4 days per week recommended. A 3 day program and a 4 day program is shown below. You may pick one based on your schedule and time available for recovery.

Duration: It is recommended that you stick to this routine for a period 6-8 weeks.


  1. Pick a weight you can do approx. 10-12 reps with good form. This is the weight you will use to perform as many reps as possible in the  allotted time period (30 secs per set in the first week).
  2. Rest 90 seconds between sets. Then you continue to your second set of 30 secs.
  3. The following week, you will increase time to 35 secs per set. If you recovered well or if you are better at certain exercises, you may be able to increase weight along with the time. However, give priority to time increase, weight increase is secondary in this type of training.
  4. Progression of time period per set is shown at the bottom of each workout.
 3 Day Program
*Click on individual exercises below to watch how they are performed.
4 Day Program

*To Unlock 4 Day Program

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