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New Year Challenge

6 week New Year Challenge Workout to get you back on track

5 Part Challenge
*To unlock this program and all our premium content.
Details on how to plan week 1 (Prep week) is given under each section separately. Use the plan below from week 2-6.

The first step of the New Year Challenge is to ensure that you perform a good workout 4 times per week.

Perform our carefully crafted 6 week workout plan. Click here

The second step of our New Year Challenge is to perform a Cardio workout twice per week. 

Perform our effective Cardio plan. Click here.

You must pick a fitness activity that you haven’t done before and then perform this twice per week. 

Click here to pick activity.

Whatever goals you have, eating healthy is important to ensure that you progress in the right direction. Click here and read the details very carefully. Message us on our chat if you require any clarification. 

The last part of the challenge involves improving general activity levels. 

You need to improve your overall activity levels outside of your workouts.

Walking is a great way to do so. Click here to read more details.

Do NOT miss a single session

After all it is a challenge but we assure you it is a doable challenge.

As long as you don’t do weight training (Gym) sessions 3 days in a row, you should be fine.

Cardio and the new activity should ideally be done on separate days to the gym training days. However, if that’s impossible, you may do them AFTER your gym session.

Getting 10,000 steps or increasing your present step count (by at least 2000) should be a goal you strive for every day.

Most importantly prep your food beforehand.

To achieve the best possible results, plan your week ahead of time. You may use the guide below to plan your week.





The 6 week New Year Challenge  workout is divided into 4 days, two lower body days and two upper body days. The workout includes progression guidelines for a period of 6 weeks.

Week 1 (Prep Week)
This prep week is designed for you to be able to perform the gym workout and reap its benefits. DO NOT skip this week.

The aim of this week is to simply get you to choose safe and effective exercises for you, from the options presented on our workout below.

This week will also help you practice your technique and get through initial muscle soreness.

What you need to do
Pick your main lifts from the workout below and practice performing them with very light weights. Ideally in the form of “Circuits” as explained below.

If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to drop us a message on our chat.

Watch how to perform exercises on workout
1 – BB Front Squat
You may substitute with Landmine Squat
OR Goblet Squat

*To unlock this workout
2. Cardio

Cardio is essential independent of your goal.

A carefully programmed cardio plan will NOT reduce your strength and muscle gains. It will in fact help lower and keep your body fat in check.

So make sure that you follow our cardio plan.

3. Activity

Here is your chance to have some fun and find an activity that can radically alter your fitness levels.

Ideally it must be an activity you haven’t tried before, or an activity that you haven’t done in a long time. You can’t go wrong with these.

Pick one from the list below and stick to it for 6 weeks.

You need to perform chosen activity twice per week. 

You may use week 1 (Prep Week) to familiarize yourself with the new activity, before starting it properly from week 2.

4. Nutrition

We want you to focus on eating wholesome food during this challenge. Try paying attention to the following in the first week of this challenge.

We specifically want you to focus on the following.

  1. Drink 3-4 litres of water a day, everyday.
  2. Eat several servings of vegetables everyday.
  3. Eat fruits, but don’t go crazy as it does contain sugar.
  4. Avoid eating sweets, fast food, unnecessary snacks and sugary cereals.
  5. Increase your protein intake by eating more chicken, fish, eggs and red meat. 
  6. We recommend eating approx 2g of protein per kg of Bodyweight. If you are struggling to eat this much  protein, you may use a basic whey protein supplement.

After the first week, you may follow guidelines below to improve your eating habits further. 

Read if you DON’T want to count calories If you don’t want to count calories, but still want to make some progress, follow the guidelines below. *To unlock details
5. Walking

We have written about this multiple times, but we cant stress the importance of improving general activity levels through walking, enough. Walking is the most underrated exercise (read our article if you haven’t already done so).

 You may have heard about the 10,000 step per day benchmark. While this is a great goal, it’s all relative. For people who are sedentary (Steps at 2000-3000) just increasing it by 1000-2000 steps per day will make a significant difference. Don’t overthink it, just get an app on your phone or a cheap step tracker and start walking whenever possible (We suggest walking while on calls, you will be surprised by how many steps you can take while on a call).

However, if you are a person with an active job and get over 10,000 steps per day, you are exempt from the last part of this challenge. 


It is easier said than done, but if you really want to start 2023 right, NO more excuses!

It is a tough challenge but if you follow our guidelines the result at the end will be very rewarding. You will get stronger, build some muscle, and lose bodyfat.

By the end of this challenge, you will not only see physical results, but you will learn to be more disciplined with your training and eating. You will break barriers that you never thought you could break.

We hope you crush this challenge and embrace a healthier lifestyle this year. Share this challenge with your friends and help them transform their lifestyle too.

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