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harvard step test

Harvard Step Test

Harvard step test is a simple method used to evaluate aerobic fitness. The simplicity allows it to be performed almost anywhere. It uses a single 12 inch step or bench to evaluate your fitness. You can perform this test yourself or with a little help from someone. 


  1. Step up on to the 12 inch step with your right foot and bring your left foot up beside it. Then get back down. This completes one step.
  2. Repeat above at a rate of 24 steps per minute for a total time period of 3 mins. 
  3. Sit down and rest for exactly 1 minute before doing a pulse check. 
  4. After resting, check your pulse using a 60 second pulse count. Then compare with table to below to see how you performed. 

Results - pulse count

 Age Good to Excellent 
Men 18-2584 or lower
 26-3586 or lower
 36-4590 or lower
 46-5593 or lower
 56-6596 or lower
 Above 65102 or lower
Women18-2593 or lower
 26-3594 or lower
 36-4596 or lower
 46-55101 or lower
 56-65103 or lower
 Above 65105 or lower


Before the days where sophisticated exercise tests were widely available, thoracic surgeons have used step tests to see if their patients were fit enough to undergo lung operations. 

Patients were told to walk up five flights of stairs at their own pace without stopping, using the railing only for balance. 

In modern terms people who were able to pass the five flight step test have maximum oxygen uptake values of at least 20. That level will get you through surgery and daily life. 

Step test risk factors

The step test can be quite demanding; if you have been diagnosed with heart disease, if you suspect you may have heart disease, or if you have major risk factors, ask your doctor about a formal stress test instead of taking the step test.

However, if you failed the Harvard step test without any underlying conditions, we can help you start working on increasing your fitness level.

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