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The 40 Rep Method

  • Difficulty
    Maybe used by relative beginners & advance lifters alike
  • Duration
    1 hr to 1 hr 15 mins
  • Nutrition
    See guidelines below.
  • Equipment
    Well equipped home gym

An effective, practical method that can break you out of a rut and spur new growth. Popularized by trainers Chris Shugart and Chad Waterbury, this method is fun and challenging to do and can be used by relative beginners and advances lifters alike. It is also versatile as it can be used to gain muscle by using moderate weights or favor strength gain by using heavier weights. Furthermore, you can use this technique on a particular body part or set instead of a whole workout.

The 40 Rep Method explained using example

Front Squat using 40 rep method

  1. Pick your 10-12 rep max (RM), i.e. use a weight where you fail at around 10-12 reps. Perform first set.
  2. Rest 45 secs and perform second set. You may get around 9 reps.
  3. If you picked the correct weight your reps will go down set by set.
  4. Do as many sets as you need to hit 40 reps, with 45 sec rest in between sets.


  1. 20 Rep Method is essentially the same as above but the goal is to reach a total of 20 reps.
  2. Suggested duration for workout below, 4 weeks of 40 Rep Method followed by 4 weeks of 20 Rep Method.
  3. Use 3 day program or 4 day program below, based on your schedule and recovery time available.
  4. Progression notes for each program can be found at the bottom of each program.
  5. Unlike other methods, progression does not focus on adding weight and repetitions, but decreasing rest between sets by 5 seconds each week.
  6. If you are an experienced lifter, you may add bands or chains to the compound movements, but do not add supersets or compound sets or any other intensifiers. This routine is intense enough on its own.
  7. If you are more focused on strength gain along with muscle, then use the 20-rep method. Use 4 rep max as starting weight and use 30 sec rest between sets in week 1.

3 Day Program

*Click on individual exercises below to watch how they are performed.

4 Day Program

*To Unlock 4 day program

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