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Jump Rope – Beginner 2

  • Difficulty
    For anyone, ideal if you have already tried Jump Rope Beginner 1
  • Duration
    30 mins
  • Nutrition
  • Equipment
    Jump rope and a stopwatch

Jump rope workout to be done after 3-4 weeks of regular skipping. This is a progression from our Beginner I and we increase duration and add some bodyweight exercises for strength and mobility. These are optional, but we always believe in complete exercise programs and big returns for the time invested.

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We’ve increased the “work” interval by 10 secs over the Beginner I workout. This may not seem like much but it’s an overall 30-40% increase in workout so give your body time to adapt and follow the guidelines on the workout.

After completing 3 weeks of this workout as per the guidelines given, progress to Jump Rope Beginner -3

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