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Bodybuilding – 4 Day Split

  • Difficulty
    Intermediate to Advance
  • Duration
    1 hour
  • Nutrition
    See guidelines below.
  • Equipment
    Commercial Gym

A well laid-out 4-day body part split. Generally, most body builders neglect large areas of muscle like the Glutes and Hamstrings leaving lots of gain on the table. In this program we ensure that no body part is left out.

*Click on individual exercises below, to watch how they are performed.

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Use regular straight sets with solid form. Do not use any special techniques. Each week gradually Increase weights while sticking to the reps shown below. Lighten the weight on the last set if required to keep the reps up. Make sure you are in a slight calorie surplus.

You may continue this program for 6 weeks.

Click for sample diet guidelines here!

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