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Pre Exhaust – 4 Day

  • Difficulty
    Intermediate to Advance
  • Duration
    45 mins
  • Nutrition
    See guidelines below.
  • Equipment
    Access to commercial gym ideal

This is another “shock” technique to force your muscles to grow. It requires you to perform a smaller “isolation” type exercise immediately before a big basic exercise.

Goals/benefits: Helps to target a stubborn muscle group to grow. It also helps to target a muscle that you cannot “feel” working when performing a big exercise.


  1. On the “paired” isolation type exercises (first exercise in paired exercises) use a weight where you reach failure around the 12-rep mark and immediately (with no rest) perform the bigger exercise. Rest up to 2 minutes and repeat. This method will be painful, but it is important to have the right mental fortitude to push through the pain yet train with good technique.
  2. Use program below for a period of 4 weeks.

*Click on individual exercises below to watch how they are performed.

*To view this workout

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