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Budget Protein Shake

Budget Protein Shake

Calories: 267 kcal Carbs: 12g Protein: 23g Fats: 3g

Budget Protein shake is the perfect solution if you don’t want to spend money on expensive Whey protein supplements.


You ONLY need two ingredients.

  1. Regular, Low fat or Non fat milk – We recommend Low fat as it has lower calories than regular milk and still tastes good compared to non fat milk. The protein content is the same, so the choice is yours!
  2. Non fat milk powder – This is concentrated source of protein

How to make Budget Protein shake

Simply mix 3 tablespoons of Non fat milk powder into a 250ml glass of milk. 250 ml glass of milk has approximately 9 grams of protein. 3 tablespoons of non fat milk has approximately 14g of protein. Therefore, the total amount of protein in the Budget Protein Shake is around 23 grams. Similar to an expensive scoop of Whey protein.


You may add a small quantity of Natural sweetener like Honey. But best keep it simple!


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